Is This A Turning Point?


Where to start…… Ok, the last four years have been s**t. Really really! Illness, financial ruin, relationship breakdown, moving house…… Being a single parent with a chronic pain condition has been a tough road to travel.

One constant in my life for two and a half years has been my horse, Finlay. There is not a day goes by when I don’t feel privileged to have him in my life. The time I spend with him Im not a mum, single parent with a chronic pain condition. Im just me! The girl who started riding aged 6 and never stopped. Of course as a mum I feel blessed everyday that I have two healthy happy boys but my horse time is me time!

In July this year I appeared to be having less pain on a daily basis, it was still there but not as severe. Around this time I started wearing a magnetic bracelet. I had been taking tramadol everyday so maybe that was the reason but I really wanted to get off this drug. I had started to lose weight, being 20 lbs overweight, this was a good thing. When the weight loss started I began to feel better about myself, I had control of something for the first time in years. This feeling of achievement spurred me on to come off the tramadol, which I did.

One other reason to come of the drug was I would begin a 6 week course of treatment for my IC, one day a week at hospital. So I wanted to be drug free to access whether this treatment would make any difference. The more decisions I made the more confident I became. I took on a small cleaning job a couple hours a week, Id met new friends and Finlay’s yard, and even contacted someone who has IC and lives locally to me! It was great to chat to someone who completely understood what I have been going through for five years.

So now a couple of months on, I’ve lost 14lbs, my pain is at a lower level and my self esteem is much improved. I don’t feel as insecure and I’m actually quite liking myself again.

Last week I was approached to work part time for a local lady who has three dressage horses. At first I was really unsure. Could I do the job? Could I manage pain levels? Could I use my catheters at work? Could I fit the hours around my youngest son and my own horse commitments? After much deliberation and conversations with friends (ok I know its not life or death, just a job) I decided to give it a go! In fact I am going self employed, freelance! Its a bit scary but… feel the fear and do it anyway!

So many good things have happened in the last two months. Why now? Is it because I took control of one thing in my life (my weight) Is it that when you project positivity that’s what you attract? Is it just the cycle of life, like life’s patterns? They say life changes every seven years and just over 7 years ago I met my ex. Hmmm that makes a lot of sense! So 7 years on and I’m finally turning a corner on to a new path. Who knows where it will take me. x

Ps, last week got my hair done for the first time in 12 months AND went out for a drink with friends. Well, they’d been trying to get me to the pub for three years 🙂 x

22 thoughts on “Is This A Turning Point?

  1. Yay, well done you! That all sounds really positive & exciting.
    Why now? I’d say two things – taking control of your weight and the reduced pain levels. When you’ve got chronic pain it just wears you down, if you were having less pain (so hard to quantify!) it makes it easier to focus on other stuff.
    Excited about the dressage horses… and the friends in the new yard… and all the rest xx

    • I think you’re right less pain gave me some confidence. I’ve come through a tough time, I still have IC waking up in pain reminded me of that. But I’m looking forward now xx

  2. Lovely to read this, kicking Tramadol is quite an achievement in its’ own right not to mention loosing so much weight, getting a job, going to the pub it’s all brilliant. Well done you!
    And what a super pic of you and Finlay.

  3. This is great FM, so positive. Congrats on the weight loss and deciding to come off Tramadol, that’s brilliant. New and very exciting things are ahead for you now I’m sure.

  4. It sounds like you have turned a corner in your life & I say GOOD ON YOU!!! Feeling good about ourselves definitely sets us in a more positive space to take on life. Congrats on feeling more confident & well. Hugs:)

  5. What a great and uplifting post!! I’m very happy for you and can tell that you must be radiating good energy! Great photo too, Finlay is one handsome devil!!!!

  6. What a fab picture of you both – you look so good together. I think your s****y 7 years is behind you and a new dawn beckons – if all the good wishes here are anything to go by, you should be surfing into the future on a sea of goodwill! Hope you enjoyed that drink with friends 🙂 and look forward to hearing about better days …..

      • Yeah pretty much, but its a good thing lol I remind myself daily how much life has changed, in a good way, this year!! After the first six months of hell and now everything is moving in the right direction! I need to update my blog, I have lots of positive things to write about, just too tired haha x

  7. Hey stranger!

    I am glad I stopped by, delighted to read about your bravery and where it is taking you. I completely relate to your experience. Coming off of morphine was the trigger for me to lose weight and since then it has been up, up, up.

    I look forward to your next update, hopefully life is treating you as well as you deserve XX

    • Hey!! My favourite Glasgow bhoy 🙂

      Aw thanks. Yes everything has been getting better and better! I’m so pleased to hear you’re doing well. Miss you on here.

      Must do an update soon, would love to hear your news too xx

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